Thursday, February 4, 2021

Greed never lasts.

So a bit about the haps. We are prepping to move out on Malik's latest lead, so yeah, this oughta be fun, with any luck, this will be the moment where we will nail good ol' Martha. As I find myself with some free time on my hands, I decided to make a post, just for you my darlings.

You know, just when I think that there aren't anymore pieces left in this game, I get proven otherwise. On that note, say hello to the "Bowie Commission". 

"Who are they?" you might ask.

Well my dears, they are an organization of sorts, what is their purpose? No idea, their PR Team a.k.a. "Big Brother" can feel free to clarify that one in the comments, if he so wishes to. However, their activities so far were minimal, just merely compiling information about various pieces within this game (Yours truly included) and that's pretty much it. So why do I mention them?

Well, for one, it doesn't seem as though we are going to be on the most friendliest of terms with them, so I figured that keeping an eye on them from now on would be a good idea, just in case they get any funny ideas about interfering in my business (Honestly though, part of me hopes that this happens, I do enjoy decimating corporate structures).

Another reason, is because once I stumbled upon them, I of course reached out to them, extending an olive branch in the form of helpful advice on how all of them can prolong their existence in this game: Which would be to drop all of this corporate bullshit and run for the hills.

And that's the purpose of this post, to show them (And by extension Martha, since she also leads and organization of sorts) that this Funded Organization stuff never works out. Things tend to get messy within a corporate environment rather quickly, most of the times due to greed and very rarely due to happenstance, sometimes a combination of both.

Either it be teammates who hide shit, higher ups who get a little too drunk on their own power, or an outside element that completely decimates everything around you, it just never works out. But it is always such an entertaining sight to behold, mainly because, somehow, none of them ever expect this destructive outcome.

Take Joseph and his Baker Squad for example, a group of experienced, proxy field agents, working together to take down those pesky, psychotic Runners. Oh how much disdain there was among them for the runners, how they would stand a top of their soap boxes to ruminate about how they were better than those runners in every way possible. What happened in the end? Joseph was continuously humiliated by the higher ups, sure he might have been promoted at some point, but I don't think it was an act of acknowledgment from his bosses, considering he didn't even want the position. Cue Joseph showing his own psychopathic side, exploiting his teammates as means to get back at the higher ups and overall, just becoming more miserable. And what happened in the end? For his loyal servitude, his team was dissolved, some of his friends turned on him and the cherry on top, he was branded as a traitor and was forced to run from his superiors. Today he is probably dead in a ditch somewhere.

What about Spencer Fitzgerald and his little delivery club? Now there's a mess worth reading about. They thought they had enough money and sense to run their little delivery scheme, without getting into any severe danger. Holy fucking shit were they wrong, inner lies and deceit tore that operation to smithereens and Spencer paid the most dearest prize a person can, their humanity.

How about Diana? Here she thought she'd spend the rest of her life pushing around papers in the comfort of the proxy-shared accommodation, on behalf of her bosses and what happens? One crazed lunatic returns from the dead and proceeds to royally decimate an entire structure of their organization, almost single-handedly and that wasn't even his goal. In the end, he ended up dead, everyone involved ended up dead and Diana herself? Probably fucking dead too.

But why are we talking about only Proxy Organizations? Let's talk about the Oathbreaker's little foray into the world of cut-throat corporations. There they are, in their own little cult town, raising their soldiers, expanding their territory, on occasion abducting Proxies, you know, just to show that their competition shouldn't sleep on them. And the next second they are being absolutely decimated by the likes of Nightscream and David Banks.

There's a reason any structure, that relies on any kind of central funding, always falls apart, that being greed. For all of Nightscreams amazing work, the Proxies themselves would eventually begin to lose their grasp and influence over the world, as their funding would begin to get cut off and those who deemed themselves more important, would begin to devour those beneath them. Greed ladies and gentlemen, greed is the sole reason why a financed structure can never last in this explosive game of ours.

So hopefully you'll take note "Big Brother" and get your old ass out of danger as quickly as possible, preferably whilst blogging about it, cause you know, I enjoy reading in my spare time.

Alrighty, looks like Malik is all readied up, Martha, get the dinner ready, cause we're coming over.


  1. Well it's a good thing everyone employed here earns minimum wage. We're a part of the US government, if that helps your entertainment factor.

    1. Oh that's even better, the fact that the government keeps sticking their nose in this, despite the game constantly forcing them to retreat and re-evaluate, is absolutely hilarious. At this point, I wonder how much of people's taxes gets wasted on this game we all play.

      Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go lick my wounds.
