Sunday, January 3, 2021

New Year, New Findings, New Plans, New Revelations, New, New, New...


First of, if you're reading this, CONGRATULATIONS! You're STILL ALIVE! Quite a feat in today's day and age, you've lived through the hauntings, through the cold nights on the street, through the immense migraines and through a lonely Christmas. Good job, you shall now continue your meaningless existence of survival, which will all ultimately lead to nothing. But hey! Cheer up, soon I'll be throwing quite the wrench into the status quo and if you stick around long enough, you'll be able to witness it, so there's your motivation to keep going, my late Christmas present to you, my dear reader.

Onto my findings, everyone already noted down what I've been doing this entire time, but in case you missed it: here, you, go. (You can honestly skip the first two, it's nothing but teenage angst, I actually love how they act as if I don't know they were corresponding by e-mails prior to this meetup, quite regularly in fact)

If you've read the third provided link, you are aware that Mr. Spooks experiment seemed to fuck my shit up, despite the fact that I was wearing protective gear and everything. So what happened exactly, well, it was my darling, when Spooks burnt the small piece of one of the pages, she apparently consumed the smoke that was emitting from it and sent it directly into my body, what followed was an instant feeling of heaviness, as if gravity had shifted dramatically in an instant, suddenly forcing my body against the ground, as I was trying to balance myself, my head began to ring as my ears began to fill with the sound of high-pitched, abnormal, distant and blood-curdling laughter and then, very abruptly, it all stopped and I am greeted with Mr. Spooks bombarding me with questions. It took me a moment but then it all clicked, I was finally aware of a way to "read" the contents held within this book, hence why I immediately grabbed the book and departed. I admit, it was a bit rude, but the anticipation was too grand, I couldn't wait, so my apologies Spooky Man, but hey, you got the water in the end, so I'd say I more than fulfilled my end of the bargain.

So what exactly "clicked" you may ask? What clicked were his last moments, think about it, he would always remark how heavy the gravity was within The Path whenever he would traverse inside of it and his very last moment, according to the recording was him laughing as I assume he was being ripped apart by our tall friend. This book contains the information that will tell me exactly what happened in there and why was Incogny so certain that he could put an end to our Tall Friend's adventures. And once I, hopefully, confirm my suspicions, I will know exactly what my next move will be from there on, it is actually the reason I asked Malik what the fuck "hotboxing" is, I needed to know of a way to inhale as much smoke from the book as I possibly could once I burn it, now I know how to do it, only thing left now is to simply do. But before I did that, I just wanted to make this post, New Year after all, do you remember what I asked the last time I made a New Year post? Probably not. So allow me to ask again: Are you ready, to go deeper with me? Think about it, you have plenty of time.

To a Happy New Year and more importantly, to New Beginnings, my silent friends.

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