Friday, November 9, 2018

Stars in the Night

What a poetic title, for such a relatively shitty night. I mean, sure, I've got the results I needed, but at the expense of this bodies health and a lot of burning stab wounds. Can't say it wasn't fun though.

Right, let's cut to the chase.

I went to Dimir's old headquarters, which was this giant tower he used to own, the one Sergei so happily shot up way back when. Dimir was practically untouchable thanks to that tower, bullet proof windows on every floor, he'd never leave it, until Sergei provoked him by digging up his dead son's body. Actually surprised Sergei had such an easy time getting through the security, I guess nobody ever expected anybody would fuck with Dimir on such a level, or maybe it was harder than how he describes it in his post, his straight forward nature makes it hard to decipher how he feels when he writes.

Anyways, my idea was, to go to the same office Sergei headed to within the Tower, the computer there was the only source of information I had to hunting down Dimir's current location. I'm honestly surprised they re-opened the tower after Sergei's shootout, but I guess once ownership of the tower passed to some other business, they saw no harm in re-opening it.

I went to the tower at night, when all the workers would leave and there were nobody but a few security guards, at least, that's what I thought I would encounter, what I did not expect was to see these security guards, slouching dead at the front desk. Somebody got there before me and as I would find out, they got there, in order to ambush me.

Not wanting to take risks, I force opened the elevator doors and proceeded to climb up the elevator hatch. Of course at some point I'd meet the elevator in my way, which would prevent me from getting to the top floor, but that's alright, all I wanted was the element of surprise on my side, so any floor would do.

I got up to the 4th floor before meeting the elevator, pried the elevator doors open just a little bit, enough to peek through and see a bunch of these masked idiots lounging about, waiting for me, well surprise, I wasn't coming through the stairs. Quickly slammed the doors apart and went to work, none of them were armed, only baseball bat's and shit like that, which, well fuck, they had no chance, no matter how many of them were there, when I'm with my darling, there's no contest. It was fun though, climbing from floor to floor, gutting these idiots and pulling their intestines out, music to my ears, to hear them gargling from the amounts of blood in their mouthes.

Probably should have been paying attention to my own body's mouth, specifically the throat, cause it would begin to start tingling for some reason as I would climb from floor to floor. I jotted it up to simple flu that the body might have caught, although it's weird, cause I was feeling it too, which means that I'm still somewhat connected to the body and have not completely evolved, which is fine, it prevents me from learning about Fortissimo's knowledge. What wasn't fine is that as I went higher, I'd begin to start seeing things, I swear to God, at some points I would see Sergei, butchering proxies alongside me, oh if it only it were true. Also, if it wasn't for my darling watching my back, I would no doubt get stabbed by some of these idiots, attempted attacks that I would normally see coming on my own, but I was getting weak at the knees and nearly losing balance as I ran, this was some hardcore flu, unless it wasn't flu at all, which is why, once I got to the front doors of Dimir's old office, I told her to look through the body and see if she can find anything out of place.

I thought I wouldn't need her for now, cause I thought it was fairly straight forward from here, open the door, look through the logs, get out. Should have figured out that there'd be a mouse trap at the end of the maze. A mouse trap in the form of Morningstar, guess he took my invitation seriously

He was occupying Dimir's old desk space, swiveling around in his chair to meet me "WELL. FANCY MEETING YOU HERE KELLY MY DEAR! Did you enjoy the climb? Looks like you had a lot of fun!"

I burst out laughing with excitement "Please don't tell me you're here to protect the old fart." I created a sharp spike with one of my sleeves, the weight change of the azoth on the spike, made me stumble a bit, clearly still being effected, by whatever it is, this body was exposed to, but I wasn't about to let that ruin my fun, besides I had a job to do.

He was grinning back at me, clearly looking forward to what was about to happen as much as I was "Protect Dimir? Ah... No. He is a bit of a dick, plus I think he hates me. Just... Not in the fun way, you know?" Oh I know, he most likely disliked Starman for two reasons: he was an outsider fucking around in Russia's business and he was, what Dimir would amount to a blasphemer, Dimir dislikes anybody who possesses any type of powers similar to Slendy, walking insults he would call them. But that didn't matter to me, because that response by Star finally confirmed something for me, Dimir IS alive. "No. I am here for a very different reason. Work related of course, I just don't have the time for a pleasure visit." He began looking me over, clearly noticing my earlier stumble "HMMMM. You feeling alright Kelly? Don't tell me Dimir's idiots hurt you... You look a bit sick." Star's a comedian everybody! He would then start walking from behind the desk, pulling out his tiny butterfly knives.

It kind of began to dawn on me, that this most likely wasn't a flu, or something else, this was most likely Star's doing and as it turned out, it was. Apparently, throughout the tower, I inhaled a bunch of gas, that Star talked about on his own blog which makes you see things? I'm not quite sure what the purpose of it is, other than to abide Star's "Fear me" fetish. However, at the time I still didn't get it, as my darling was busy investigating what was causing the human body to effect us like that and seeing as Starman was inviting me for a dance, I just couldn't resist the offer.

Morningstar stops and looks to his left hand, slowly raising it, and lowering the right. "Technically. This isn't actually a knife anymore than your sleeve is a sleeve..." The knife in his right hand shivers and morphs into a smaller throwing knife. It was so obvious what you were doing Starman, trying to distract me with your left hand, so that you could suddenly throw the knife in your right hand, smart, resourceful, I feel like Sergei would be able to appreciate the little trick, considering he was full of them. So I was ready for you to throw the knife at me and I was ready to dodge, too bad the gas you filled the tower with, didn't allow me to be as quick and your stupid, little self ended up hitting my body's shoulder, penetrating it's flesh and hurting us within, but that pain also worked in our favor, we used it as an anchor to remove the haziness of the gas for a moment to see you running at us Starman.

So I extended my sharp edged sleeve without detaching it, shooting it at Starman as he was charging us, he tried to twist out of the way, but we still hit him in the shoulder, which slowed him down a bit and elicited a reaction from him, a growl, doesn't feel nice when somebody else enters into you, does it Star? However, that didn't stop him and he was still coming at me, that's what I like to see, determination.

Since Starman was still coming at us, with my spiked sleeved lodged in his shoulder, I had to throw him off balance somehow, so I began to retract the spike back, suddenly pulling Starman towards myself as well, I formed a pick axe like form with my second sleeve, ready to strike him down as he would get closer. However, because of the gas, the force of the pull makes me stumble forward before I could strike and causes me to start falling down towards Star, instinctively I begin to do a roll, barely avoiding Star's attempts at stabbing me, he still managed to get a few cuts in. After I gained some distance between us, I tried to stand up, but my body was just not responding, it was quite annoying. This is when I noticed something, the knife he threw at me earlier and that was supposed to be stuck in my shoulder this entire time, wasn't there, as soon as I noticed that, I saw this black azothic blob pouncing at my face, luckily for me, my darling was looking out for me and before Star's blob could connect, she extended a small, sharp spike from the jacket's collar, impaling the blob and tossing it away, onto the floor near Star. The knives were a part of him even after they were detached, a trick me and my darling can't do, I must admit, must be the advantages of complete merger with Azoth.

I try to stand up again, but just can't, this is where I notice something odd about Star, his skin was darker, his eyes glowing bright yellow and there was, what looked like a severed, human arm leaking out of him?

"Well... That certainly answers that. Lets see... How you like it!" He mumbled something among those lines to himself as he began to rip me off and morphed his arm into a sharp spike, seriously, stealing ideas now? You'll be hearing from my lawyers. He began walking towards me, no doubt with the intention of impaling me, as an add on bonus, he would keep throwing those annoying knives at me that he would morph out of himself.

Considering I couldn't get up, I had to continue with the rolling tire strategy, I leaned back on my hands and would start pushing myself onto them, my darling would assist with a push from the ground, allowing me to do a hand stand off my back and do a roll, as I was doing that, she would harden around my back and deflect some of Star's knives, however, what I didn't count on is the stupid desk that Star was sitting behind earlier, I'd slam into it, go over it and land smoothly in the chair that Star was sitting on, I'd marvel at my half-assed choreography, but one of Star's knives hit me straight in the chest so hard, it caused the chair to roll back up against the giant glass window the office was surrounded with, bulletproof if I remember. Remembering that those things are still a part of him, I covered my hand in my darling's Azoth and pull it out before it could pounce at my face again, the fucking things hurt.

I looked at Star who was still walking towards me and, well, the visions got worse, where before I saw only a severed arm leaking out of him, I was now seeing an endless pile of dead bodies leaking from underneath him, to a point where I didn't see his legs anymore, it's as if he was a snail, only his lover half is just and endless trail of dead bodies, confused on whether it was a hallucination caused by the gas, or something entirely different, I decided to ask him, if he was even aware that he was leaking out body parts.

"You've got good eyes, Kelly. Soon enough, you'll be joining them." Thanks for the straight answer friend-o, I can always count on you to clear things up. I guess he got kind of bored from slowly stalking towards, since he would once again begin to charge at me. Having nowhere else to go, this time I decided to meet him, forming two sharp spikes around my arms and leaning out of my chair, my darling pushed against the chair and the bulletproof windows, propelling me towards Star with a good amount of speed. Star didn't even try to dodge, he took my spikes into his chest and stomach, allowing me to lodge them pretty deep within himself, causing him significant pain and his... scream? I don't actually know what the hell type of sound he created, but it sounded painful. However, he didn't miss himself, since he impaled me with his own spike into my chest, which was pretty god damn painful, the burning sensation so icey and cold, that it feels like you're being burnt, the same type of pain I experienced when I asked Whelp a question. But Star wasn't finished, as he was creating these sounds of pain, his head would begin to morph into this giant maw of teeth, his other arm began to twist and audibly snap as it produced a number of branch-like tendrils which would begin to grow outward into the spike impaling me.

So mu pain and pressure, not to mention the effects of the gas would allow Star to overpower me, I would end up falling on my back, with Star coming down on top of me. His giant Maw was closing in for a bite, I couldn't really do anything as both of my arms were lodged inside of him, the gas wasn't allowing my body to move and the pain was not allowing me to think of my next move. Luckily for me, I have my darling with me at all times, the long back of my jacket would begin to crawl out from underneath me, onto my shoulders and from there, a crooked, human-like torso would extend, with a crooked human-like head and arms, grabbing the maw by it's top and bottom jaw, preventing it from getting closer and biting, I could also feel my own spikes, which were lodged inside of Star, grow even smaller spikes out of them, no doubt trying to hurt Star even more, which wasn't my doing by the way, this is all my darling's job, I was too distracted by the trail of dead bodies on the floor that Star leaked out, trying to figure out if they were there, or not.

I could feel it Star, the smaller spikes inside of you made you squirm, at this point I was kind of losing consciousness to the gas, so my account on what happens next is a bit hazy. From what I remember, Star created a whole new limb, that would reach out and try to slash at my Darling who was busy holding off the Maw. Somehow, she found the strength to push it away and quickly grab me by my shoulders, whilst also wrapping herself around my legs, gaining control over them, rolling me to the side away from Star, before the extra limb could connect with a hit. She would prop me up, slowly covering my body, I remember her asking me: "Let me"

Who was I deny her, her fun, besides, the gas was fucking with me, I was petty useless at that point, so I let her once again take control of the body. Whilst covered by her, she was not only in control but she was also working on pumping the gas out of the body from within, hence, I couldn't see much, due to the effects of the gas, just bits and pieces here and there.

I remember seeing Star standing, a puzzling look on his face. I remember feeling huge amounts of air hitting against me, as if I was flying. I remember seeing Star, impaled by two jagged spikes against the bulletproof window. I remember the same noise that Star created from before. And lastly, I remember, quite clearly, seeing Star falling down out of the tower, yelling to me that he will see me soon again, all the while laughing all the way down.

Then I woke up at my parent's church, with a piece of paper in hand, detailing the various funds that were transactioned from that tower, during Dimir's presumed death and the space of timer, when the ownership of that Tower was being handed over to the current owners. The majority of the funds go to this one address, I found you Dimir.

And Star, no doubt you'll be there too, that was a nasty trick you pulled with that Gas, this time, I'll be prepared, don't you worry, this dance isn't over.


  1. HAHAHAHA. TO BE FAIR. The game was two on one. I think I can be excused for playing a bit dirty. Your girlfriend is a bitch, by the way. Ugly too. Personally I think you could do better.

    ANYWHO, SEE YOU AT THE TRAP KELLY. Won't be playing around this time, so uh. You know. Probably a good idea to get your affairs in order. LOOKING forward to it. Wonder what you'll say to Sanna and our favorite pack of Strays? Better make it good. Heartfelt, you know?

    Oh wait. You don't have a heart anymore. No passion... Just going through the motions. How very, very sad. NO worries though. I'll be putting an end to this tragedy REAL soon.

    1. Dawwww no need to say what you don't mean Star, she told me how baffled you were when you saw her and the look in your face, apparently, wasn't the type that was judging someone's appearances.

      I already have my previous death post, it's a bit too soon to make a new one,don't you think?

      Coming from your own pitiful existence, calling my own a tragedy is quite the comedic remark, thanks for the laugh.

  2. Interesting... Very interesting, indeed. Glad to see that you and Scratch are having so much fun together

    1. Honestly, you're the biggest benefactor here from all of this, sitting there, most likely taking notes on what both of us are capable of.

      You better not waste this opportunity.

  3. Hallucinogenic gas, interesting, and they’re just using it on enemies, Scarecrow style? That might hurt the ozone layer or some shit.

    Seems like you’re in good form given the situation, any idea where Dimir ran off to?

    1. I don't even know if it's as simple as hallucinogenics, some things definitely seemed like hallucinations, but everything regarding Star? Felt extremely real, it's as if the gas wasn't causing hallucinations in regards to him, but instead was dissipating reality to see the true from of something that is in front of you.

      But anyways, yeah I'm pretty good, all things considered, my darling's been pumping the gas out of the body since, and yes, I have the exact location of where he is, no doubt Starman is also there.
