Monday, June 22, 2020

Return of a Different Dead Man

So, I didn't think I'd be making a post about us hunting down the 11 names that Malik was able to dig up, who used a specific gun to kill his friend, in their area, at the time. I mean, it's fairly straight forward, track down the people, look at them from a distance and see if any of their faces match the ones I saw in Claude's memory, if not, move on. Easy-peasy right? Well, wrong.

I mean, that's exactly what we've been doing for the past 6 days, mainly by looking their names up in the white pages and then using Franky to Path our way to their address and it's been nothing but smooth sailing from there, until we hit the 3 last names on the list. See, we Pathed our way to the house of the next target, house wasn't super fancy, just a two story building with a backyard, a backyard that I used to sneak up on the house in order to get a quick look at the man residing within the house, so I perched myself up on the tree and waited to see if I would spot a face similar to the one I saw in Claude's memory through one of the windows. This was taking a while so Malik and Franky walked off to get themselves a drink in a nearby 7/11 store, leaving me hanging on that tree, bored out of my mind, now you might ask, why didn't I just break into the house to speed things up? Two reasons: 1. I actually have no idea how to lock pick doors and all the windows were closed, so sneaking in wasn't an option; 2. If sneaking in wasn't an option, brute forcing was the only way, except I didn't want to attract ANY attention to myself AT ALL during this time, because I'm trying to avoid catching Slendy's attention again, I rather enjoy using The Path with no interruptions.

Well, that last bit was quickly drained down the toilet, as I was sitting in my tree, boring myself to death, a sudden burst of force that hit me in my shoulder from the side sent me plummeting to the ground off the tree, immediately standing up, confused, I hid behind the tree I was sitting on top of this entire time, that's when I noticed the pain shooting through my arm, whatever hit me in my shoulder travelled with such speed that it dislocated my shoulder. Few seconds later Fortissimo ended up spitting out a bullet through one of my sleeves, somebody tried to shoot me, luckily for me Fortissimo reacted quickly and clumped up enough of herself around the shoulder area to prevent the bullet from penetrating the shoulder. I tried to peek from my cover, but was immediately met with a bullet wheezing past me, right in front of my face, grazing the tree. That's when I heard the car's engine start that was parked next to the house, which explains why I didn't see any movement inside the house for so long, the fucker was hiding in his car this entire time, as the car began to drive off I saw Franky and Malik jumping out of it's way, yelled to them that this was our guy driving off and they gave chase on foot. 

While they were chasing down the car, I was going to deal with my assailant, who's location up until this point eluded me, I knew he shot me from the side, meaning he was on top of one of the neighbouring buildings, but I had no idea which one and considering the fact that he wasn't opening fire on Malik or Franky, it was clear that whoever this was, was after me specifically. My only option was to quickly jump the fence that led to a nearby forest, right behind this guy's backyard, with the forest hopefully preventing the shooter from having a clear view of me. I'm so lucky that Claude was the type of person who felt like he needed to keep his body in shape, because this body's agility on it's own is very impressive, managed to clear the fence very quickly, bullets wheezed by, but none of them hit their intended target. Managing to make it inside the forest, I could still hear bullets hitting various trees near me, whoever this was, he was persistent, so I asked my darling to wrap herself around my body, making us blend in with the darkness of the forest. After the shooting stopped, instead of running deeper into the forest, I began running in the direction of where the shots were coming from, without leaving the forest. I had to find out who this was that was on my ass, suspecting that this was the same person who took pot shots at me before, then his next course of action would be to go after Malik and Franky, in order to get to me. Lo and behold, I was finally able to see the same silhouette from before, juxtaposed against the moon, I could clearly see him packing away his weapons and begin climbing down from the top of the two story derelict building he decided to occupy as his vantage point.

Rushing up towards the back of the building, I could see through the hole that was supposed to be a window at some point, the mystery assailant making his way through the first floor, towards his car. Couldn't allow him to get to it, so I leaned against the window, extended my left arm (the one that wasn't dislocated) through the window and elongated my sleeve into a tendril that slithered through the air towards him at a fast pace. The idea was to wrap around his neck and drag him towards me, but before my tendril could reach him, he quickly spun around and cut the end of the tendril off with a knife in a quick motion, after which he started opening fire on me with a pistol that he was holding in the other hand. I quickly rolled off the window, with my tendril coming back into my sleeve and landed on my dislocated shoulder, the pain of which reminded me that I still had a dislocated shoulder. I asked my darling to pop it back into place, which she did by morphing around it and forcefully yanking it into place, hurt pretty bad, wish I had the time to soak in the pain, but a Molotov that ended up hitting the edge of the window I was near, spreading flames in the process didn't give me that luxury. Rolling away from the fire, I took a moment to think, popping up from around the corner nearest to me would be suicide, no doubt the assailant was keeping an eye on it, rushing to the other corner would take too long, I needed an element of surprise, so I asked my darling to wrap herself around me once more and try her best to protect us from the fire, because I decided the best course of action was to jump through the burning window and catch our assailant by surprise. She did a magnificent job, I could feel the heat surround me as I flung myself through the window, even when getting to my feet, I could see parts of our jacket still flaming, but as I rushed towards the location of our assailant, my darling would put the fires out. As I suspected, he was guarding the corner, allowing me the chance to tackle him from behind, knocking his fedora off of his head, now on top of him, I morphed a sharp spike around my hand and drove it straight into his chest, I was expecting a yelp of pain, or a gargle, anything but an annoyed grunt as if a mosquito just bit him, the next unexpected move was his left hand smashing against my chin, sending me toppling off of him. I scrambled to my feet, as he himself began to stand up, dusting off his green trench coat, inspecting the wound I inflicted upon him.

Finally I could see the face of my assailant, with the moon fully lighting his head up, although, "face" is a bit of a generous description. It was very obvious what this guy was, with his sickly green skin, flesh that was in the process of rotting off his face, a lack of lips revealing his surprisingly white teeth, lack of a nose with just two holes and his right eye missing its eye lids. This guy was clearly possessed by a Dying Man shard, once he finished checking on his wound, I was able to get a better look at him overall. Underneath his green trench coat he was wearing a white business shirt, which made me notice the black blood that was staining it from the wound that I had made, a purple tie, brown formal pants, complete with brown fancy shoes, oh and the left hand that hit like the freight train? Yeah, that thing was encased in some sort of metal armour. Oh, he also had a bag hanging off to his side underneath the trench coat.

Corpse Man hunched over to pick up his fedora, without taking his eyes off of me , he put the fedora back on his head, covering his eyes with it's shadow, after which he spoke.

"Must you be so barbaric? This was a newly purchased garment." He spoke with a sophisticated, calm tone, which is quite a feat for guy who was currently bleeding from a stab wound in his chest, which led me to understand that he didn't feel any pain.

Now for those of you who are observant, might notice that this guy, in his description at least, resembles Koschey a little bit, with the additions of having a sophisticated tone to himself and an armoured hand. So I decided to prod: "My apologies, you did try to shoot me, but since we're conversing, tell me, you related to Koschey by any chance?"

He put his hands behind his back, smugly chuckling to himself: "Indeed, I was an associate of the one you dubbed 'Koschey'..." And then I heard a slight ripping sound as I noticed his arms jolt, then instantly, he lobbed something in my direction. I assumed it was a grenade of some sort, so I jumped back as far as I could, but all I heard was a loud pop, as smoke erupted all over me. Landing on my feet, trying to see through the smoke earned me a stab in the chest with a knife, an effect that this guy achieved by rushing through the smoke and taking advantage of my disorientation. The searing pain, combined with this guy putting all of his weight into the knife, sent me to the floor with him toppling over me, grabbing my throat with his armoured hand and squeezing.

"Let us conduct our business serenely, disrupting the public at this hour would be most improper." This fucking guy, why is it that I always attract the freaks? But he had a point, I'm quite amazed that we didn't wake up the entirety of the neighbourhood at this point and I intended to keep it that way, because at the time, I still wanted to stay off the radar for as long as possible, if I had known then what a fruitless endeavour it would turn out to be, I wouldn't have even bothered.

Considering that he didn't restrict any of my arms, we wrapped a solidified lump around my left hand, which we then used to smash into his arm that was squeezing on the knife, smashed so hard we ended up breaking his forearm, which immediately threw him off balance, allowing me to grab him by the collar with my right hand and pull him towards myself, headbutting him, which I think hurt me more than him, but it led to the result I wanted, he ended up letting go of my throat, allowing me to quickly scramble to my feet and tackle him inside the derelict building we were nearby.

Rolling over to my feet, he was already out of my grasp, hiding in the shadows of the building, shadows which were emanating from the still burning window. Taking the moment, I pulled the knife out of my chest as quickly as possible, allowing my darling to start working on mending the wound, then his voice echoed throughout the building: "I believe it is ill-advised to remove sharpened equipment in the case of an incising circumstance." Couldn't tell where the voice was coming from, but it did sound from further down the building, meaning he wasn't near me.

"Oh yeah? Well it's also ill-advised to take pot shots at me, things usually never end up in a good way for the person who attempts something like that." I yelled out, making sure that he would hear me, after which I began walking further into the building. His voice rang out again "I am aware Mr. Oleg, however, I'm afraid my current commission dictates that such action is necessary." Commission? Another Dead Man Shard assassin, like Koschey? As I walked further, I tried to prod further "Commission? What are you, some sort of assassin like Koschey was? I mean, you did mention that he was your associate." At this point I had reached the stairs that led to the second floor, well, technically, the roof, considering the second floor lacked a roof at this point in time, inspecting the area around the stairs, he spoke again, his voice clearly coming from somewhere at the top: "While true, Terror was an associate of mine, that promptly ended the moment he went into business for himself, severing himself from our proprietor." Now this was getting interesting, but further questioning would have to wait, I had to figure out a way to get upstairs, without getting my head blown off, because it didn't take a genius to figure out that he was guarding the stairway. Luckily for me there was a window near the stairway, climbing out of it and grabbing onto the steel frames that were sticking out from underneath the cement, made it a very easy climb towards the second floor, where I could see Corpsy standing over the stairway, inspecting it, no doubt trying to spot me. In his armoured hand he was gripping his handgun, which put me at a disadvantage, I had to find a way to distract him, luckily, I decided to keep the knife on me that was previously embedded into my chest, now I'm not much of a knife thrower, so throwing it at him would most likely prove to be a fruitless endeavour, instead, I threw the knife as far away as possible from myself, the clanging sound that it made upon landing against the concrete caused Corpsy to spin and wildly shoot in the direction of the sound, allowing me the opportunity to close the distance between us, smacking the gun out of his hand, which earned me a solid hit from his armoured hand, directly to my head, causing me to fall to my knee, however I wasn't going to let him capitalise, falling onto my back, my darling wrapping and solidifying around my foot in the process, I then kicked him with the foot directly in his right knee, the sound of a snap, following by his instant fall backwards onto the stairs, indicated that my kick was successful enough to break his knee.

I got up, holding my head, trying to balance myself and ignore the sparks in my eyes, I looked down at him, laying on the stairs, looking back at me, as calm as ever: "So, before I kill you, mind telling me about this 'proprietor'?" I formed a sharp edge with my sleeved around my left hand, ready to stab the shit out of Corpsy. "Surely Mr. Oleg, you don't think a business provider of my calibre would divulge such sensitive information, so nonchalantly." A smug sounding chuckle later: "I will, however, inform you that quite a lot of habitués would like to see you evanesce, one of such entity's is currently engaged with your colleagues." This made me pause, remembering that Malik and Franky were still out there somewhere, doing fuck knows what, just as I turned around, planning to go looking for them, they were right behind me, with Malik yelling in a panicked state that we had to get out of there immediately. Having no idea what freaked him out so much, they gave me no time to question them, before Pathing me out of there.

Malik will write up what caused him grief himself on his own blog, I would do it myself, but I have to prepare for my upcoming trip. It's a good thing that I had planned this trip in advance, before getting access to the Path again, with us not being able to use The Path for a while, my planned trip manages to stay on track and according to schedule, talk about lucky.

But yeah, so apparently there's some sort of "proprietor" out there that is seeking my death, funny isn't it, how all of a sudden, all of these freaks start coming out of the woodwork the instant I phrase things in a certain way, on one blog post.

Entertaining indeed.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Blind Man's Gifts of Observation, Useful Means of Inanition.

Apparently, certain wordage featured on my previous post attracted someone's attention.

I mean, granted, I hinted at Starman getting the meaning behind certain words I've used in that post and there was a possibility that he would come out of hiding (Probably busy stuck doing his corporate crap) yet again to either try and probe my brain as to what I actually know, or he would skip all that and immediately start trying to track my ass down to have a round three (And in all honesty, for all I know he could possibly be doing that as I write this).

Who I didn't expect was a messenger, sent by The Blind Man. And here I thought our Creepy Crawlies were too busy warring over who humanity is terrified of more, right now. Then again, it shouldn't surprise me, after all, The Blind Man's seeming purpose is to document as much information as he can possibly muster, occasionally using that knowledge to intimidate his pawns and play around with them as he sees fit, you know, the usual Creepy Crawlie shabang.

If you're unfamiliar with The Blind Man, basically he is a creature much like our Tall Friend, only instead of constantly playing around with his victims, he only does it on occasion, sometimes for the purposes of recruitment, sometimes for the purposes of unknowingly doing his bidding (Suzie Kingston comes to mind) and sometimes, for absolutely unknown reasons, much like our Tall Friend. He also has his servants, probably the most organised, yes, even more organised than the proxies. I mean, come on, sure the proxies have had influence on a governmental level at some points, but they reached that level of influence numerous times over the years and overtime, they folded in on themselves, every time. Whereas the Blind Man's servants, The Archive are a bit more organised, influentially staying on about the same level, sometimes they would appear to the public to seemingly share their collected knowledge (It would only be bare bones and I suspect the reason they did that, is because they wanted certain knowledge to reach certain people, so they could uncover more information for them), most of the times they would remain hidden, documenting various historical events from the darkness of their Catacombs.

Then again, it's not hard to be that organised, when your only stake in the conflict is to sit on the sidelines and just document pointless crap that ultimately has no meaning. So it makes sense that The Blind Man would notice my little activities on the side, during the various pandemics that are striking the world right now, he tries to get his wrinkly fingers into all of the orifices he can possibly manage and yesterday, when I was out and about, doing my thing, observing the city below and thinking about things, this guy intrudes on my solitude.

"You need to cease your pursuit, you know not of the powers you toy with."

The striking accent was what really threw me off guard, what you read up there, was my best ability at transcribing what this person had said to me, if you want a more accurate sounding representation of what was said, then here you go, feel my pain:

"Yuh need fi cease yuh pursuit, yuh kno nuh of di powas yuh toy wid."

However, once I turned around to face my fellow, rooftop vagabond, I was even more confused as to this man's appearance. Now, granted, I haven't encountered a lot of the Blind Man's servants, I definitely never encountered any of his Gifted servants and I must say, if this is how they all dress, then I'm imagining the Catacombs to look like some sort of weird crossover between Gothic, Hood and Carnival culture.

So let me try and describe this specimen to the best of my ability: The gentleman was of African-American descent, judging by his wild accent, I'd say he was Jamaican. The only way I could see his skin colour is because he had this weird, white, mask on, that had very slit eye holes and had black lines cut into it, kind of representing a bird of some sort and the mask was only covering the top half of his face, everything from nostrils down was visible. He had a black, goat patch beard and whenever he talked, I noticed the street lamps reflect off his teeth, dude had gold teeth. And I believe his hairstyle would be described accurately as long, laid back dreads. Now his outfit, was some sort of black, cult-looking robe, why cult-looking? Because the edges of the robe (the buttoned placket, edge of the hoodie, sleeves, etc.) were covered in some weird ass, white writing, at least, I assume it was writing, since there was spaces between the symbols, indicating text. Black gloves, black dress pants and black boots. Only other weird thing was, that from the belt of his pants, you could see a bunch of chains hanging off down to his knees, the end of each chain had some sort of symbolic pendant attached to it.

So yeah, you can see what kind of circus show visited me the other night, so of course, I responded appropriately:

"Well, you're new. And what exactly are you supposed to be?"

He stood there for a second, looking around, his stance was stoic, with one hand behind his back and the other inside his robe. So you can understand as to why I didn't entirely let my guard down, he might not have been in a battle ready stance, but the hand in his robe could be gripping anything.

"It does not matter, what does matter is that you heed my message and cease your pursuit."

A message huh? Of course I would press on that part first.

"Wow, my very own messenger, interesting... And who sent you, might I ask?"

Another few seconds of silence, after which, I swear I could see his iris, underneath his mask turn white/gray, mainly because prior to that, I couldn't see his eyes behind the slit eye holes of the mask. After which he began to pull his hand out from inside his robe. Of course, in response, I formed a sharp edged sleeve around my hand, preparing for a possible attack. But an attack did not come my way, because all he pulled out was a musky, old, ripped in places book, yet another weird ass symbol on it's front cover. At this point it's kind of obvious that this goon was sent by the Blind Man, no question about it.

"He has observed you since your return, thing, he is convinced that you know something, but not everything, I repeat, cease your pursuit."

I did not remove my sharp edged sleeve, who knows what kind of voodoo The Gifted can pull off.

"Thing? Rude, not a very smart idea to try to convince someone to do something, by being rude to them."

The rudeness didn't stop there, because immediately after my statement, he started pointing at me with his other hand.

"You are an aberration and your actions run the risk of muddling in events that are out of your control, granting you an eternity of suffering, so spare yourself and cease."

At this point, I started to get excited, I'm not sure if this "messenger" realised what he was doing, but by saying stuff like that, he was only proving to me that my thinking process was on the right track, so there is no way I would heed his worthless warning.

"Oh really? Somehow I doubt that you, or the blind man are concerned about my suffering, I mean, it must not be that serious of an issue as to what I'm doing, or going to do, since the Wrinklemeister didn't decide to show up himself and instead sent his errand boy."

I was trying to provoke Masquerade over here into a reaction, I was curious as to what The Gifted were capable of, other than sitting on their asses and collecting information. And I thought it worked, because for a short period of time, his chains began to clang around, despite him not moving an inch and there not being any wind to move them around, but then they stopped and he put his pointing hand behind his back.

"My duty here is finished, thing, you have received your message. If you choose to ignore it, the consequences you face in the future will make you regret ever being brought into this plain."

And before I could mutter a response, he flung his book open at me, sending pages upon pages right into my face, there were so many of them and they were coming at me with such force, I thought he was trying to push me off the building, but just as I felt myself tipping over the edge, the pages stopped flying at me and began to fall to the ground. Once I was able to see again, he was gone without a trace and when I tried to pick up some of the pages, all of them quickly dissolved into dust and were blown away by the wind.

So there you go, looks like I'm doing something right, if I even got the Blind Man to get off his ass.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

"Crypticism" is the name of the Game and boy is The Game being played.

I dream, which is very strange.

You see, when you are a creature similar to myself, such necessities like sleep, food and other "human" needs are not an issue, it is only an issue concerning the human body I inhabit. So on occasion I need to force it to go to sleep, in order for it to replenish it's energy, during that time Fortissimo watches over it, since she doesn't need to be the one to control the chemicals in the body's brain to make it shut down, I'm the one doing that.

So what happens to me during that process? The strangest of things, I don't want to label it as the act of "sleeping" after I claimed that I have no need for it. However, the feeling is very similar to all those years I've spent in that briefcase, waiting for myself to form to Kelevra's standard. That weird "limbo" that I inhabited, before Malik's treacherous friend was forced to inject me into himself. I've been experiencing this sensation ever since Morningstar's dumb gas did a number on me during our first confrontation in Dimir's tower, not on a constant basis mind you, I'm sure that I wouldn't be sitting here, publishing these posts if that were the case, but on a very rare occasion, when I shut down the body, I experience this... Openness? Not sure how else to describe it honestly, it's like I'm occupying this vastness and somehow, regardless of how vast it is, I can see it's limits.

Only I don't see, but I feel... I guess the human equivalent would be, the feeling of standing on the cusp of something you know is going to be grand, but not having the ability to effect it in any way. Only during this... "state" I don't just feel that I can effect it, I know how to do so, except, when I wake the body up and exit that "state", I can't seem to remember that knowledge, but remember possessing it. It's enlightening, exciting and very infuriating, I have a hunch that once I drop the humanistic pretence that I carry with myself via Kelevra's memories and emotions, I'll be able to exist in that "state" for good, however, it is too early for that, knowledge must be accumulated first, one does not simply fly to the moon after all.

On a less vague note, let's talk about the happenings in the world shall we?

Hoo boy, shit has hit the fan huh? The Plague Doctor has been running absolute rampage all over the world and I still have no idea what's with the sudden outburst of activity, but understanding the Creepy Crawlies is a practice, that will always end up with you smacking your head against a concrete wall (Sometimes, literally), you just have to go with the flow and boy is humanity failing to flow right now.

Then The Brute seems to have decided to get in on the action, which does not bode well for anyone. Considering that fucker has been locked up for so long, this must be like a massive birthday bash for him and the stomping ground is the currently burning, U.S. of A.

Due to Plague Doctors latest Virus, I'm sure the Cold Boy managed to find himself plenty of victims to feast on, considering isolation is a highly advised practice these days, hell, in some areas it is even enforced. No doubt that frosty pipsqueak is out there, cashing in on the opportunity big time.

Hell, even the Intrusion decided to get in on the fun, what, did you think those Killer Hornets just decided to fly out of nowhere in such large amounts, just because they got tired of sitting on their stingers for so long?

It seems like the good ol' Doctor has opened the flood gates for other Creepy Crawlies to get in on the fun, it's been a while since the Fears have fought among themselves on such a level, hell, I'd say decades. All sorts of them have been bringing their foot back into the game, hence why I always laughed at those naive runners: "Well maybe they'll just go away some day, they can't terrorise us forever, surely" and yet, here we are. The world has not been hit with so much shit at the same time in a very long time, which begs the question, when are the sighting going to start up again I wonder and how many little runners will run to their precious internet to document them all over again? Exciting times we live in, huh?

Hell, that's not even mentioning a certain event that everybody is speculating about right now, piercing a certain "barrier" and finishing all of us off. Of course, if Morningstar reads this, if he's memory is still intact, my phrasing will have more meaning to him than a mere "oh shit, a comet is coming". But I'm hoping this foretold "event" is yet another fluke, much like the 2012 of it's time, after all, it is my job to take down any kind of "barriers" around here. However, the recent Fear activity is not a calming factor, shit's been happening fast and on a large scale, it would be foolish that certain after effects didn't already affect the before mentioned "barriers" already, which means, I have to kick my shit into gear.

Deary me, you must be so, hopelessly lost reading that jibber jabber I wrote up above, it's ok, I get lost myself sometimes, contrary to popular belief, neither the original Kelevra, nor the current Kelevra that is occupying this blog right now, have complete understanding of things. But I am piecing things together slowly but surely, all the while laughing at the grand irony of those who left behind such valuable pieces of information. Labelling themselves as some sort of guardians who would fight tooth and nail the preserve the "status quo" all the while leaving behind their little blogs where they dumped buckets of valuable information, it is absolutely hilarious to me.

But let's write something that you, dear reader, will be able to grasp and understand.

Team work has been going a lot more smooth these past couple of weeks, sure, Malik's stubborn nature and Franky's lack of nature tend to get in the way of communication. But so far, every one of our outings was always a resounding success, specifically we've been concentrating on figuring out who gave the order to off Malik's friend. Claude's memories are a chore to dig through, mainly because of all the attachments Fortissimo suffered at the hands of those miserable Lab Freaks, they tend to get in the way, but my effort paid off and I was able to see the faces of the two men that pulled the trigger on Malik's friend.

But no names, which would make any kind of info harder to look for, but due to Malik's quick thinking, he figured that there was still a dead girl that had to be reported. All we had to do was go to the police station that was closest to the location of the murder, look for her name through the databases, disregard the false reports filed under her name and look for any kind of information that would point us to her case's evidence storage. Now, logically speaking, if the report of the murder itself is falsified, why would there be any evidence, right? Well, that's what we call a hunch, a hunch that was worth checking, you never know, maybe these idiots did actually store some actual evidence from the crime scene.

So Franky opened up The Path and walked us right into their old town that Malik's entire crew used to operate in. From there, we made our way to the nearest Police Station, utilising The Path yet again we were able to quietly wander into the Police Station. From there on, I sneakily abducted the Evidence Technician and beat the crap out of him, until he gave us the log in information for their Evidence Database. Finding her file and the number to her evidence locker, I dispatch of our very helpful technician and make Franky, Path the body out, while me and Malik made our way to the girl's evidence locker.

This is where the hunch turned into a result, these idiots forgot to dig the bullet out of her skull, so the cops had to archive it, ordinarily, this wouldn't be a big deal, mainly because the falsified reports on the girl's death circumstance would make any willing investigator who was not in on the seedy operations between Proxies and our trust Law Enforcement, turn away from the case instantly. However, nobody expected me to get involved now did they? So took the bullet with us and by this point, Franky Pathed back to us and just like that, we were out of there.

In the future, we will have to refrain from using The Path this much, because it gives away our position to those who are in tune with the thing if we use it too much. Only reason we do it so much right now, is because, I'm pretty sure our Tall Friend is too busy involving himself in the current Creepy Crawlie conflict that is going on, as for advanced freaks like Morningstar, have any of you seen him recently, at all? Dude's probably been shut off by his Overlord's yet again.

Anyway, so the bullet is in our possession and according to Malik, he can use it to give us our next lead, something to do with "unique markings" that every bullet has, I don't know, I'm not a firearms expert. I'm sure he'll fill in the blanks on his blog at some point, mainly because I'll probably force him to do so.

And I believe that is it, TTFN my dear freaks, be careful out there, great powers are playing around.